[인문사회국제부] 영어 디스커션 포럼- 결선 주제입니다.
18-09-27 / 피상호 / View 1834
1. 영어 디스커션 포럼 결선 주제

In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly of the human right to water and sanitation recognized the right of every human to have sufficient water for personal and domestic uses. Furthermore, there is enough clean water for everyone in the world, yet more than 1.8 billion people do not access to non-contaminated water. What role should developed countries, such as Korea, take in making sure that there is access to clean water to all people around world?

2. 일시 및 장소

- 일시: 2018년 10월 17일, 5교시 1학년 / 6교시 2학년

- 장소: 비전관 2층 도서관

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